Monday, April 29, 2013

How to Live Glad to Be Alive

Oscar and Bonnie Crawford
Living the Thankful Life is the privilege to demonstrate how to live glad to be alive.  Living thankful suggests observation of activity that has already taken place has been personally and emotionally meaningful.  Appreciation followed for which a significant emotional memory remains.  Not all are pleasant.  All are meaningful leaving deep impressions imprinted in hearts and minds.

Are you glad to be alive right now?  How are you demonstrating it?

It is Monday Morning, April 29, 2013 just before 7 A.M.  I breathe on my own.  I move on my own.  I am awake for more than an hour.  I have seen my Bonnie’s early morning smile and heard her voice.  I am thankful to be alive.  

Yesterday, we shared worship’s moment of intense intimacy with our community of faith, the House of Prayer Christian Center.  You want to share this experience.  It will do your spirit, soul and body good. I am thankful to be alive.

Bonnie and I cooked dinner for friends last night.  I heated an 18-inch cast iron skillet, poured in a few teaspoons of soy sauce.  Chicken breasts wrapped in bacon were next in.  Oven temperature was 350 degrees for the first 20 minutes. 

Skillet comes out of oven just long enough to top with mozzarella cheese and breadcrumbs.  It all goes back into the oven for a final 10 minutes at 400 degrees.  After ten minutes, turn oven off and leave in oven for another 10 minutes with oven door open.  It should have a beautiful brown top.

We added mashed potatoes.  There was also salad of tomatoes with cucumbers and onion in oil and vinegar.  I am thankful to be alive. 

The word glad has the connotation of being so happy you are almost giddy, joyfully laughing and smiling over your experience of the moment.  Glad has many first cousins synonyms.  Among them are blissful, delighted, happy, joyful, pleased, satisfied, or thankful.

Are you glad to be alive right now?  How are you demonstrating it?

If this blog post spoke to you, you might also like this:  Just  Glad to Be Alive, a Glimpse into the Life of Father Fred Fury

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pastor Keenan Actkins and House of Prayer Christian Center Announces Living the Grateful Life Blog

Grateful means to be warmly or deeply appreciative of  kindness or benefits received.

Living the Grateful Life is the practice of the community of the House of Prayer Christian Center (HOPCC) in Mesa, Arizona.  Living the Grateful Life is also the title of HOPCC's recent publication.

HOPCC members share personal stories of gratitude for the presence of God in their lives during good times and not so good times.  Continuing moments of gratitude will be shared here.

Micha Goudeau, Editor

Micha Goudeau, Editor of Living the Grateful Life had this to say, "The goal of our shared stores is to demonstrate the love of Christ through sharing our experiences and how we actively work to "live the grateful life.  HOPCC's prayer is that you experience the love of God as you read and share our stories."

 Get Living the Grateful Life for your Kindle, Kindle App or Kindle Cloud Reader.

Pastor Keenan Actkins
 Keenan Actkins is the Founder and Pastor of the House of Prayer Christian Center.