Monday, July 1, 2013

10 Things I am Thankful for Today

Living with a thankful attitude is good for health.  Melinda Beck writes in the Health Journal Section of the  Wall Street Journal, "It turns out, giving thanks is good for your health.  A growing body of research suggests that maintaining an attitude of gratitude can improve psychological, emotional and physical well-being."

Here are 10 things I am thankful for as I live the grateful life today.

1.  I am thankful to be alive to live, love and serve at age 64.
2.  I am thankful to be husband to love and share life with my wife Bonnie.
3.  I am thankful to be loving father, grand father, and great grand father to six children, 17 grandchildren and six great rand children.
4.  I am thankful for the privilege to love my living parents.  My father is 87 and my mother is 81.
5.  I am thankful for the privilege to love my siblings (one brother and three sisters), nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, and uncles.
6.  I am thankful for the privilege to love the spiritual community of church family and close friends.
7.  I am thankful for nice home to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, and a car.
8.  I am thankful for gifts and skills that serve my and my family's interests and others.
9.  I am thankful for a lifetime's accomplishments in education, service appointments, travel, and publications.
10.  I am thankful for the many loving and beautiful people it is my privilege to know and love locally and globally.

I am thankful to be living the grateful life.

Oscar Crawford

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